Social Media Officer
The Social Media Officer is the Barony's online presence organizer. They are your go to contact for getting your amazing historical content published within the barony.
Lady Dýrfinna Tonnudóttir
We need your content! It is more important than ever that we share the amazing things that we are doing with the world online, and it is the job of the social media officer to ensure that what you are doing in the barony goes out to the world. Please submit your content for consideration to be published today.
The Barony of Forgotten Sea is always providing updates and information on Facebook for the populace. Stop by and check out what's new on our feed and maybe leave some comments, share, and like.
Want to stay up to date on the latest goings on in the barony? Not a big user of most social media platforms? That's just fine with us. We can send you all the latest information directly as emails. Sign up today and never miss an update.