The Baron and Baroness of Forgotten Sea are proud to be able to recognize their populace with awards separate from those of the Kingdom, which are focused chiefly around services rendered to, through, and for the Barony and its cantons.
See the Calontir College of Heralds article on our kingdom awards for information about Society awards at the Award of Arms, Grant of Arms, and Peerage levels.
For Outstanding Service to the Barony and its Populace
Baronial Awards
Order of the Trident Tree
Symbol: Trident Tree (In Any Form)
Given for: Extended service to the Barony; Forgotten Sea's most prestigious award.
Established in the early days of the Barony
Baronial Mark of Merit
Symbol: Green Leaf (from Trident Tree)
Given for: Being an exceptionally productive member of the Barony.
Established in the early days of the Barony
For Service and Involvement
Order of the Escallop
Symbol: Escallop (In Any Form)
Given for: Service to the Barony.
Established in the early days of the Barony
Baronial Colors
Symbol: Green & White Ribbon or Favor
Given for: Being a productive member of the Barony. Also for service to Forgotten Sea by non-Barony members (making them honorary members of the Barony).
Established in the early days of the Barony
For Skill and Accomplishment
Order of the Silver Griffin
Symbol: Silver Griffin (In Any Form)
Given for: Accomplishments in an area of endevor.
Established by Baron Valens and Baroness Susannah
Baronial Spirit of Gallantry Award
Symbol: Chalice
Given for: Being an example of courtesy and chivalric behavior.
Established by Baron Modar and Baroness Briana
Order of the Forester
Symbol: None Specified or Known
Given for: Showing skill (at any level) in archery.
Established by Baron Malachi and Baroness Dejaniera
In Special Recognition
Baronial Thank You
Symbol: None Specified or Known
Given for: To thank an individual for single or particular service.
Established in the early days of the Barony.
Order of the Pilgrim's Badge
Symbol: Sea Turtle (As a Creature that Travels Far and Wide)
Given for: Travel and/or acting as Baronial Ambassador.
Established by Baron Tiberius and Baroness Nicolette
Order of Prester John
Symbol: None Specified or Known
Given for: Individuals who go to all the major wars during a given year
Established by Baron Malachi and Baroness Dejaniera
Award Recommendations
Are you aware of someone who deserves one of these awards? Anyone can recommend someone for an award. It is not necessary to have received the award being recommended to submit a recommendation.
You can check the Baronial Order of Precedence to see what they already have.
You can recommend someone for any award here.